Attendance and Absences

Students are encouraged to attend every class / laboratory / discussion session.

Absences related to SDS accommodations follow different policies and procedures than those below; visit the related website for more information.

Absences: Illness, Religious Holy Days, Unavoidable Circumstances

University regulations require that students be allowed to make up examinations which have been missed due to illness, religious holy days, or other unavoidable circumstances or other sponsored University activities. Students should work with faculty regarding making up other missed work such as assignments, quizzes, and classroom attendance.

Short-term Illness

Students with the flu, colds, or other viruses are encouraged by the health care community to stay home and not to seek care since viruses spread quickly in public places. Student Health no longer provides documentation to students for short-term illness. (Note: Information on long-term illness is in the next section.)

Long-term Absence

At times, students may find themselves needing to miss courses for an extended time away (5 or more days). In such instances, a student (friend or family member when the student is physically unable to submit a request) may request an official absence notice be sent to their faculty members. Student Care & Assistance works with the Office of the Registrar to provide support during absences.

Absence situations may include: hospitalization, medical emergencies or long-term illness (including physical or mental health concerns), chronic conditions, death of a family member, natural disasters, or military/legal obligations. Please refer to the following link for additional information:

Mandatory Religious Obligations

A student with a mandatory religious obligation who notifies their instructor of the conflict in a timely manner shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence, including tests. Students who receive an exemption on religious grounds cannot be penalized for failing to attend class on the days exempted. The instructor may, however, appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete any alternative assignment or examination.

Unavoidable Circumstances

An unavoidable circumstance is defined as an event beyond the student's control and often involves a serious and unexpected hospitalization, a family tragedy, or a related incident. Such circumstances do not include attendance at a wedding, a family vacation, obligations related to work, or other such matters.

Absences: UI Authorized Activities

Activities authorized by UI include participation in intercollegiate athletic teams, in the marching band and pep band, attendance at events scheduled by recognized University groups as well as participation in University field trips, service with the National Guard, and jury duty.

Activities related to employment, fraternities or sororities, or volunteer activities are not considered UI authorized activities.